Barbara Anna Gaiardoni alias @bag is winner of the First Prize 2023 “Zheng Nian Cup” and of the Edinburgh “Writings Leith” contest. Her Japanese-style poems has been published in The Mainichi, Asahi Haikuist Network, The Japan Society UK and in one hundred and nine international journals. They are been translated on Japanese, Romanian, Arabic, Malayalam, Hindi, French, Chinese and in Spanish languages. Drawing, swimmer and walking in nature are her passions. "I can, I must, I will do it.” her motto.
Barbara has written 'LEMON YELLOW', a gogyoshi poem according to seven rules by Taro Aizu
Bright spring sun
Rays fill us with
New strengths
Pure mountain air
Reinvigorates soul
I luminosi raggi del sole
Primaverile ci riempiono
Di nuove forze
L’aria pura di montagna
Rinvigorisce l’anima